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1. 在泰拉瑞亚中,牧师是一种商贩类型的NPC角色。
2. 该角色的出现需要满足以下条件:游戏内必须有一间未被使用的空房屋,且已击败英灵遗骸。
3. 当牧师遭受敌怪威胁时,他会利用治愈星星进行防御。
4. 根据怪物图鉴的描述,牧师深信内心的宁静之力,并且对于那些对治疗队友感兴趣的泰拉人来说,牧师是一位很好的学习对象。
5. 牧师的名字"Algalon"是对魔兽世界中角色Algalon the Observer的致敬。
6. 该角色不仅在游戏中扮演着重要的角色,同时也是游戏文化中的一部分。
行走动画 互动动画
1. 牧师可以为玩家提供“守护天使”增益。
2. 玩家需要支付5个净化碎片才能获得该增益。
3. 守护天使增益持续5分钟,让玩家可以在致死攻击后存活一次。
4. 存活后,玩家的生命值将恢复至最大生命的5%。
5. 使用守护天使增益后,玩家会进入5分钟的复活冷却状态,在此期间无法再次获得牧师的礼物。
5. 如果玩家再次死亡后复活,他们会获得减益以及 10 秒的随机提升,从以下三者之一选择:
增益 | 效果 | |
庇护: 复仇 | 所有伤害增加15%。 | |
庇护: 守护 | 伤害减免增加30%。 | |
庇护: 再生 | 大幅增加生命恢复速度 |
货架 | ||
物品 | 花费 | 何时有售 |
生命之水 | 50 | 如果血肉墙已被击败。 |
纱布 | 25 | 一直有售。 |
注射器 | 25 | 一直有售。 |
祭坛 | 15 | 一直有售。 |
哨兵的魔杖 | 15 | 一直有售。 |
救世主法杖 | 25 | 一直有售。 |
魂灵恩典 | 5 | 一直有售。 |
华贵之叶 | 15 | 一直有售。 |
安详七弦琴 | 35 | 如果血肉墙已被击败。 |
天堂之云节杖 | 25 | 如果血肉墙已被击败。 |
重生雕像 | 25 | 如果血肉墙已被击败。 |
术士兜帽 | 1 | 血肉墙已被击败后的血月期间。 |
术士法袍 | 1 50 | 血肉墙已被击败后的血月期间。 |
术士护胫 | 1 25 | 血肉墙已被击败后的血月期间。 |
恢复 | 12 50 | 如果堕落注视者已被击败。 |
小天使之杖 | 25 | 堕落注视者已被击败后的白天。 |
小恶魔之杖 | 25 | 堕落注视者已被击败后的夜晚。 |
十字项链 | 15 | 如果堕落注视者已被击败。 |
生命波动 | 35 | 如果任意机械Boss已被击败。 |
古神法杖 | 40 | 如果任意机械Boss已被击败。 |
飞升雕像 | 35 | 如果任意机械Boss已被击败。 |
灵魂箭 | 1 | 如果任意机械Boss已被击败。 |
牧师的兜帽 | 1 | 一直有售。 |
牧师的法袍 | 1 | 一直有售。 |
净化者帽 | 50 | 日食期间。 |
净化者制服 | 50 | 日食期间。 |
净化者鞋 | 50 | 日食期间。 |
净化者戒指 | 50 | 日食期间。 |
Andrew合唱团 | 1 | 在神圣之地对话。 |
泰拉人,公主和牧师 | 1 | 在神圣之地对话。 |
Evvie合唱团 | 1 | 在神圣之地对话。 |
神圣骑士 | 1 | 在神圣之地对话。 |
金兔的崇拜 | 1 | 在神圣之地对话。 |
赏金猎人和隐士 | 1 | 在神圣之地对话。 |
生物群落 | 邻居 | |
喜爱 | n/a | 发型师 |
喜欢 | 神圣之地 | 巫医 公主 |
反感 | 地下 | 武器大师 |
讨厌 | n/a | 税收官 |
- Algalon
- Balthasar
- Bodhi
- Caspar
- Dhruv
- Dwight
- Dyeus
- Keter
- Malkuth
- Melchior
- Nix
- Ormazd
- Pax
- Psi
- Solomon
- Titus
- Yang
- Yazata
- Yin
- Zen
- "Ah, it's been a while friend. It is good to see you are well after so long!"
- "Not all who wander are lost, remember this friend..."
- "Energy, chi, spirit... it's all the same to me. There is power in all things."
- "I have no doubt of your physical power, hero. But sometimes hardship is fought in a battle of will, not strength."
- "<Name of Angler> often comes to me in private to discuss things that are bothering him. Such a young age to be in his position..."
- "<Name of Witch Doctor> and I spent all of last night discussing philosophy. That one has a wise head on his shoulders."
- "Beware my friend... true evil walks among us this night."
- "Is- Is that my cross? How in the world did you manage to find it? It's been lost for so long..."
- 如果玩家拥有 5 个净化碎片:
- "With these shards, I have imbued you with an incredibly potent shield. Should you take fatal damage, you shall receive my protection for as long as I can hold it. Stay safe out there, my friend."
- 如果玩家没有足够的净化碎片:
- "I require no money to watch over you my friend, but my protection is limited without some Purified Shards. Once you acquire some, come visit me again."
- 当玩家在增益没有消失前想要得到保护:
- "No need to fear my friend, my power is already protecting you. Come back when my power has faded."
- 当玩家拥有复活冷却减益时想要得到保护:
- "I'm afraid I can't currently protect you, friend. Give your soul some time to heal, and then come speak to me again."
- "From the moment we first spoke I sensed something special within you. Your spirit exudes an incredible energy, one that I'm honored to have witnessed. Stay golden my friend."
- "Homes are a luxury for those like me, but if you're offering one, I'd be very appreciative."
- "My spirit is in balance, friend."
- "Not all that wander are lost, my friend."
- "It's nice and calm over here, my friend."
- "I feel some minor discomfort from the others. I think they need more space."
- "The others are feeling quite overcrowded. We all need our space to grow as people."
- "Ah, now this is a place ripe with spiritual energy."
- "The deeper into the earth I go, the more I feel that dark energy from below... I don't like this feeling."
- "What has happened to the spirits here...?! How repugnant!"
- "<name of Stylist> gives me the most wonderful haircuts. She really helps with my self expression!"
- "<name of Witch Doctor> and I spent all of last night discussing philosophy. That one has a wise head on his shoulders."
- "<name of Princess>'s cheerful innocence brightens up everyone's spirits."
- "Though he says he's decided to align himself with us, <name of Weapon Master> is still a demon. Demons are known for telling lies, my friend..."
- "<name of Tax Collector> is truly a man only concerned with himself... We will never get along."
图片 | |
类型 | NPC |
环境 | 有效的房屋 |
AI类型 | 被动 AI |
最大生命值 | 250 |
防御 | 15 |
击退抗性 | 50% |